TO: @Thetageist
FROM: @M-kirbs
QUESTION 1: How did you meet this user?
On Newgrounds of course, eventually we DM each other on Discord
QUESTION 2: Have you done any work with them on the site? if not, would you like to?
She helped make the major redesign for Mace, the sona-adjacent OC with the intent of being the opposite of my main sona in mind. The result turned out to be so cool
QUESTION 3: What's your favorite memory with them?
Besides the random DMs and the Mirrored-kirbs redesigning process, just having fun on Halloween of 2024 within my own server even if it was roleplaying chaos
QUESTION 4: Is there anything in particular that reminds you of them?
Beetlejuice, mainly in terms of their sona concepts and said Halloween roleplaying madness lol
QUESTION 5: What have they done that you are most thankful for?
Again, the Mace redesigns which I'll forever be grateful for, along with just genuinely being a good friend when things go rough for me ever so often
QUESTION 6: What's your favorite work that they've created?
The first thing that comes to mind is her submission for the [adult swim] collab, I love Samurai Jack and admire how she took the problem of multiple people wanting to rep that show into a mini collab that looked fun
QUESTION 7: If you could describe them in one word, what would it be?
Simply "fun", her sona's fun, she's fun to talk with, I honestly dunno what other word to think of
QUESTION 8: Any closing thoughts or words?
I honestly considered giving Taka a shoutout too, but I held off since I'm not too sure if I'm even allowed to give multiple people shoutouts. Even so, I dunno how active he is and I do wanna talk with him more since he's just a lovely person too. A lot of folks are lovely on Newgrounds, so it was kinda hard to limit myself to just one person to show appreciation towards since the whole site is just filled with good and creative people. So, to anyone who has known me, just know that I appreciate you too, even if we don't interact much :D
thats it for day 3 everyone! i counted, and we should have about 4 letters left for me to post. not quite a full month, but atleast a full week of loveletter fun! see you tomorrow!
Also, one thing I forgot to put in: I had an idea for Halloween where it was like some art akin to a party photo with Theta's sona possessed by Beetlejuice and mine possessed by Bill Cipher, the RP stuff in my server made up for it lol